Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mister Clean's Picks

From his 14 August e-mail:

Dems: Clinton/Richardson
Republicans: F. Thompson/Huckabee
Independent: None

Winner: Thompson/Huckabee (in a very close race)

OK, those are my picks, but you know I can't simply leave it at that.
I think Clinton wins the Dem nod. You've heard me say this all along.
I don't think she'll pick Obama or Edwards--almost certainly not
Edwards--but maybe. I think she'll go with a person with a strong
foreign policy background. Richardson is positioning himself for such
a slot, but look for General Clark to possibly make it onto a Clinton
ticket. Big VP dark horse: General Shinseki.

The Republican race I think is really unpredictable. Romney is going
to make a strong showing. Again, you know I've been saying this all
along. I still don't think Guiliani will be able to pull it out,
although so far so good. I think Huckabee is going to a be a factor
in this--he is simply a great communicator. McCain will make a
comeback I think, but I'm growing skeptical of his chances to pull it
out in the long-run? He won't run an independent campaign, unless the
other two parties really fuck something-up fierce. And that brings me
to Fred Thompson. It's just to early to tell, but he gives me a good
vibe and he certainly has the communication part down. We have to see
how smart he actually is, but I have every reason to believe he
possesses Reagan's sense of timing and communication savy with far
greater intelligence. That could be a potent mix and if he hooks-up
with someone like Huckabee, it could be high-power . The only draw
back: no foreign policy experience for either. It's still hard for me
believe the Republicans won't nominate at least a ticket with some
foreign policy heft, but then again their pickings aren't great.
Thompson could choose from a long list of wild cards, but the
Republican foreign policy ranks are other way past their prime, or
tainted by the current administration. BOLO for some retired general
officer, or someone like William Cohen or John Lehman.

If I had to go with an independent ticket--not counting the screwball
category, Nader, etc.--I'd have to say the only thing that would make
sense would be something like McCain/Lieberman, but I'm not convinved
the country is in the mood for an independent run, but we'll see.
Bloomberg/Hagel, to my mind would be an silly, but certainly not out
of the realm of possibility.

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