Friday, June 22, 2007


This post might not fit here, but I'll post anyway. Isn't it interesting that the media just adores Apple products? Every Apple product release is always surrounded by a lot of hype. Even its failed products such as the Newton receive a lot of press. Any idea why this might happen? Does the medias affection for Apple give it any sort of advantage in the marketplace? I'd assume that it does, since it's essentially free advertising. Here's a Slate article--Apple suck-up watch.

Did media hype convince me to buy an iMac and 2 x iPods? That may be the reason. I certainly wasn't sold by one of the condescending "geniuses" at the local Apple Store.


Michael Goldwater said...

Just imagine if Paris Hilton was one of the first people to buy the iPhone. The media might spontaneously combust over that one.

Strap said...

if they caught her talking on one, it would definitely be breaking news for one of the 24-hr news networks.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

Again, I have to think about the story about how the show Married... with Children became a hit.

People seem unable to grasp the concept that media coverage--whether favorable or unfavorable--tends to benefit the recipient of the coverage...

Louis Winthorpe III said...

The corollary to political issues is this: If the majority of the public tends to fall on one side of a major issue--than any press coverage, whether for or against this issue, will bring this issue into the minds of voters but not persuade them. It will just remind them how they feel about an issue if anything strengthen their already-held inclinations.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

And say, where is Rainier Wolfcastle these days?