Sunday, June 24, 2007


Your thoughts on the new Michael Moore movie? From what I've read, I assume he's a champion of socialized medicine. This is definitely a problem that won't be solved overnight, but our current system is far from the freemarket ideas of The Goldwater Society.

Here's another fact about Dr. Ron Paul that you might not have heard. In his practice back in Texas, he does not accept Medicare or fact, he'll perform services for free rather than suck from the government teat.


Louis Winthorpe III said...

My thoughts on the new Michael Moore movie: I'm not going to waste any time giving it any thought. When you give Michael Moore attention, you are doing him a favor. You are empowering him. We should all be ignoring him, treating him like the underwhelming, unimportant, irrelavant person that he is.

Strap said...

you're correct...he is a douche....but, like Apple, the media loves him and will be talking about his new movie like they are the iphone. Personally, I think the media should focus on the new Transformers Movie.

Here's Reason's take on the movie:

Louis Winthorpe III said...

Good reason article. Very balanced.