Sunday, July 1, 2007


I'm sure by now you've seen the Washington Post's profile of Independent voters. They characterized independents into these 5 neat categories. IF you're an independent, how would you define yourself? As a self-defined Libertarian, but not a member of the party, I suppose you could call me an indpendent...I'm somewhere between disillusioned and dislocated. For this next election, I hope to be more of a Deliberator. Although I'm inclined to vote for anyone that promises to get us out of Iraq.

Here are the categories--

"Deliberators," who are classic swing voters.

"Disillusioned," who are acutely upset with politics today.

"Dislocated," who are both social liberals and fiscal conservatives.

"Disguised," who are partisans on the left and right who behave almost identically to Democrats or Republicans.

"Disengaged," who generally sit on the political sidelines.


Louis Winthorpe III said...

I'm a mix of the first three categories...

Michael Goldwater said...

I believe I fall into the dislocated category.

Strap said...

Goldwater speaks!

Louis Winthorpe III said...

But yes, Mr. Goldwater, I'd say I'm also primarily "dislocated."

Glad you could make an appearance!